Happy 2021! Who’s got Goals!?

It’s next year! Wait, did I say that right? Anyway, it’s not 2020 anymore, hooray! Hopefully you got plenty of sleep last night, because it was awfully loud here and today is the day to get to work. As cliché as it sounds, I really like January first as a starting point, and I think New Year’s resolutions are a great thing, provided they’re actually implemented. The majority of people will make a health related goal at the start of the year, and then quit trying within less than 3 weeks. The problem there is not the goal, it’s the quitting.

Even though 2020 was a tough year, I had a great year in terms of accomplishing fitness related goals and I hope to follow suit and do even better in 2021. In fact, I hit every ‘gym’ goal I had except for one, which I’m pretty proud of. I bench pressed over 275 lbs, squatted and deadlifted over 400 lbs, and earned my next belt in Capoeira. The only things I wasn’t able to accomplish were competing in a bodybuilding show (due to Covid), and mastering walking on my hands (I can still only manage 5-10 steps -_-). And my #1 goal I accomplished was: no serious injuries for a whole year! Woohoo! This year I plan on upping the ante on the weights, getting another martial arts belt, and I’m adding some sprinting goals as well to push my athleticism a bit. We all visited the high school track this morning to get some time trials in, and let me tell I have not done that in too long and I am hurting lol. I have other goals outside of fitness too, but these are nice, measurable, motivating goals I can check off (hopefully!) at the end of the year.

Now, as fun as it is to brag about my accomplishments, I’m more interested in yours. How did your 2020 go in terms of health/fitness? It was a hard year, so how did you cope and how did you adapt? What are you hoping to accomplish in 2021, and do you have a plan? Like I said, I think resolutions are great as long as there’s follow-through. Write it down, tell some loved ones if that helps, and be patient. Too much exuberance can just as easily result in frustration and quitting as in success, so stay calm and keep your goals in the back of your mind as you push forward. You’ll only fail if you quit! If you have a fitness related goal and want some help or accountability we are definitely here for you, just ask. Either way, I’d love to hear what your plans are, and I hope you have an awesome year!

That picture above is 6 years old, but I’d like to beat that look this year and no meat is still no problem! And without further delay, here’s Maxine filming me on our new monkey bars!

